Olfar: for over 30 years
generating food and energy
For over 30 years in the market, Olfar Group produces food and energy for the world in a reliable and sustainable manner.
Founded in 1988, the company is made up of committed people, ethical principles and values. Our essence lies in the strength of innovation, technology and excellence.
With a history of hard work, dreams and commitment, Olfar has become the largest industrial Biodiesel group in Brazil. In addition, it is considered one of the main companies in the segment in the industrialization of soybeans, vegetable oils extraction and glycerin refining. It also operates in the commercialization of grains, consolidating itself among the main traders in the country, serving domestic and international market in a broad and strategic way.
With its headquarters located in Erechim, north of Rio Grande do Sul, it has 49 grain receiving units in the same state, and three biodiesel plants in Brazil.
Watch the institutional video.
Grupo Olfar in Numbers
in Rio Grande do Sul
is the receiving and storage capacity
Erechim (Rio Grande do Sul), Porto Real (Rio de Janeiro) and Porangatu (Goiás)
Production Capacity
liters per year
Soybean crushing capacity per year
Refined glycerin capacity per year
Installed and granted power
To offer food and energy products, meeting the market needs with excellence, innovation and credibility, generating profit and income, promoting the continuous development of its employees, with respect for society and the environment.
Business continuance, international acknowledgement, national acknowledgement, business diversification, structuring and consolidation of the company
Entrepreneurship, Commitment, Credibility, Excellence, Innovation, Ethics and Sustainability.
quality and credibility
The union between research and high technology allows Olfar to make continuous improvements in its processes and implement new methods, aiming at excellence in all products in addition to establishing a relationship of trust and appreciation with its customers.
Olfar's Industrial Complex proves that innovation is part of the company's daily life. All spaces designed to meet the strictest quality and safety controls, respecting international standards and current regulations in the food and energy sector. Monitoring of its plants performed 24 hours a day, by state-of-the-art equipment and by qualified teams.
With a complete infrastructure of laboratories, Olfar performs the control and monitoring of all parameters that affect the quality of the product and its performance during the production process. This structure allows to carry out analyzes and tests of soy and its derivatives, biodiesel, double-distilled glycerin and water with high precision. A technical team issues all reports certifying compliance with the requirements established worldwide. On average, around 40 thousand analyzes are carried out per month that confirm the quality of all the company's products.
The Olfar Laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited to carry out chemical tests on biodiesel, attesting the credibility of its quality processes and strict compliance with national and international standards.
The dedication to researching, transforming and innovating in a responsible and sustainable way reflects in the results obtained by Olfar Group. Through certification systems, the company increasingly consolidates the performance and commitment to excellence in its segment.
The ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025 standard is a world reference, developed with the aim of promoting confidence in the operation of laboratories, ensuring reliable results and proving its technical competence. Olfar's Laboratory accredited, under CRL number 0975, to carry out Chemical Tests on Biodiesel, according to the scope available in the following web page:
ViewIssued annually, this certificate attests the reduction in the emission of Greenhouse Gases, avoided by the use of clean energy from renewable sources. More than just a document, it represents Olfar´s genuine concern with sustainability.
ViewFood Safety System Certification 22000 is a complete audit and certification scheme that meets all the requirements of the Food Safety Management System.
ViewThe GMP, Good Manufacturing Practice, is a reference among the standards in the animal feed input segment. The GMP+B2 standard certifies the production of feed ingredients, while The GMP+B3 refers to sales, picking, storage and transshipment.
ViewISO 9001 establishes requirements for the Quality Management System. It ensures the operation of processes in a consistent and systemic way, ensuring the specific features of the company's products or services.
ViewThe Kosher Certificate attests that the products manufactured follow the specific rules governing the Orthodox Jewish diet. Recognized worldwide and attributed as a synonym for maximum quality control.
Concerning social responsibility, this is the most used audit in the world. The Smeta Audit (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) is a compilation of good practices and ethics in industrial production that assesses the performance of companies under four pillars: labor standards, health and safety, the environment and business principles.
The Olfar Group also includes the Energir Thermoelectric Power Plant, responsible for the self-production of Electric Energy through cogeneration. All the energy generated supplies the plant in Rio Grande do Sul and reinforces the commitment to sustainability in all its processes and actions. Learn more about Energir by accessing here.
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A Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar, está disponível para consulta, sempre que desejado pelo Titular através do site wwww.olfar.ind.br. Em caso de qualquer dúvida em relação ao uso dos “Dados”, o Titular poderá entrar em contato, por meio dos canais de atendimento:
E-mail: privacidadededados@olfar.ind.br
Telefone: +55 54 2106-2600 ou +55 54 99714-1606
Pessoa responsável: Priscila da Paz Vieira – Coordenadora de ESG
Ao declarar que concorda com o presente termo, o Titular consente que as empresas do Grupo Olfar (Olfar S/A – Alimento e Energia e Energir Geração de Energia Elétrica Ltda), doravante denominadas Controladoras tomem decisões referentes ao tratamento de seus “Dados”, bem como realizem o tratamento de seus “Dados”, de acordo com o descrito na Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar.
1. Segurança dos Dados: As Controladoras responsabilizam-se pela manutenção de medidas de segurança, técnicas e administrativas aptas a proteger os “Dados” do Titular, de acessos não autorizados e de situações acidentais ou ilícitas. Em conformidade ao art. 48 da Lei nº 13.709, as Controladoras comunicarão ao Titular e à Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) a ocorrência de incidente de segurança que possa acarretar risco ou dano relevante ao Titular.
2. Direito de Revogação do Consentimento Este consentimento poderá ser revogado pelo Titular, a qualquer momento, respeitadas as disposições legais quanto à obrigação de manter a guarda de eventuais documentos, mediante solicitação formal, entregue via e-mail ou correspondência às Controladoras para os seguintes endereços: E-mail: privacidadededados@olfar.ind.br Endereço: BR 153, km 53, S/N, Frinape, Erechim/RS- CEP 99.709-780 – A/C: Comitê LGPD.